The past decade has been one of tremendous growth and change in the workforce. The growing accessibility of learning tools thanks to the Internet, not to mention the emergence of completely new fields and industries as a result of new technologies, have impacted traditional talent pipelines.
Employers may have a standard practice for recruiting that is based on conventional ideas of experience, talent and skills. However, as the workforce changes, these practices may grow more and more outdated. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating and revising your recruiting strategies to ensure you can make your company appealing to the best and brightest emerging talent.
Skilled labor is on the rise
Traditionally, people tend to think of skilled-labor positions as being less lucrative or professionally viable than conventional white-collar jobs. Many of these trades positions are enjoying significant growth in the U.S. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, skilled-trade jobs and other careers that don’t center around a desk have grown by 6 percent between 2010 and 2014. These jobs on average paid more than $15 per hour, and many of them required no formal education beyond a high school diploma.
“Some of the healthiest areas of job growth year-after-year are in middle-skill occupations that don’t require workers to sit in front of computer monitors and phones for 40 hours a week,” Rosemary Haefner, CareerBuilder chief human resources officer, told the source.
Even if your company operates in a predominately white-collar industry, don’t overlook the importance of this sector. For example, many IT-related positions are filled by employees without formal academic training.
On-the-job training is a key factor
One significant trend in recent years is the importance of on-the-job training in certain positions. Rather than seeking employees who have a substantial formal background with academic qualifications, companies are seeing success with recruiting based on experience, portfolio and trainability.
This is particularly apparent in IT fields, office-management positions and other non-executive white-collar functions. A shift such as this may have a substantial impact on recruiting, hiring and onboarding procedures, as it places responsibility on companies to offer adequate training and job knowledge, rather than placing that onus on candidates.
These changes indicate a shift in recruiting and hiring practices. As the workforce continues to change, businesses that don’t adapt may find themselves on the short end of a talent shortage as all the best candidates are snatched up by organizations with more progressive recruiting practices. Small-business owners are encouraged to work closely with PEO companies to ensure their hiring practices remain competitive.